Posts marcados ‘PAINTINGS’


Stanley Spencer

I have a feeling that most Americans don’t know much about the English artist Stanley Spencer, who lived from 1891 until 1959.  I have to admit that I knew very little until stumbling across a book of his unique paintings.  However, our ignorance doesn’t detract from the man’s greatness or his fame as one of the greatest British painters.  Some maintain that he is their greatest Modern painter. (mais…)


As portas da percepção de Juan Godoy

Ana Echevenguá
“… Não importa se só tocam O primeiro acorde da canção A gente escreve o resto Em linhas tortas Nas portas da percepção Em paredes de banheiro Nas folhas que o outono leva ao chão Em livros de história Seremos a memória Dos dias que virão (se é que eles virão)…”. Humberto Gessinger

Estive no Espaço Cultural da Megastore da Livrarias Catarinense, para apreciar a exposição Neo Impressionismo Abstrato, de Juan Godoy. São 12 telas impressionantes. Belas, incisivas e inesquecíveis. (mais…)


Oscar Bluemner

I look at the work of a lot of artists and usually see something I can relate to in much of it.  It might be the way a color sings or the way the painting is put together or in the expressiveness of a line.  Or just in simple emotion.  But very seldom do I stumble upon the work of an artist who I immediately feel as though I am sharing the same perspective. (mais…)


Portinari em Arte Têxtil


Cíça Mora, curadora e organizadora da Mostra Têxtil Portinari da Mega Artesanal, contou ao Vila Mulher sobre a nova edição.

“Todo ano nós homenageamos um artista brasileiro. Esse é o quarto ano consecutivo que participamos do evento e a homenagem desse ano é ao grande mestre e pintor brasileiro, Cândido Portinari”, afirma. (mais…)


Custer’s Last Stand

It was 135 years ago on June 25, 1876, that the famous Battle of the Little Big Horn took place on the plains of eastern Montana, a battle in which the forces of General George Armstrong Custer’s 7th Calvary were overwhelmed by Native American fighters who had formed a large alliance from several tribes to battle the US troops.  268 troops were killed including Custer and several of his kinsman. (mais…)


Secret Inside

We dance round in a ring and suppose, While the secret sits in the middle and knows.

-Robert Frost


This is a new painting,  in size about 11″ square  on paper, that I will be showing at my next show that opens in a little over two weeks at the West End Gallery in Corning.  I call this piece Secret Inside. (mais…)


Beautiful Poorhouse

Yesterday on the Folk Art at Cooperstown site, Paul D’Ambrosio wrote about this painting that is in their collection.  It is by a late 19th century painter by the name of John Rasmussen and is of the Almshouse inBerks County, Pennsylvania.   (mais…)


Gulliver Under Fuji

Aum Shinrikyo headquarters.  Aum Shinrikyo was a doomsday cult who produced Sarin nerve gas (at a location near the park which was under construction) then launched  attacks, including one  on the Tokyo subways, killing 19 people.  A massive force stormed the nearby headquarters to end the cult’s run.    (mais…)


Guenther Hears the Boogaloo Softly

I came across this little piece that I had painted long ago, before I ever showed my work to anyone.  It’s a small little thing, barely 2″ by 3″ in size, but it’s a paintings that I consider one of my favorites.  It’s not because of anything in the painting itself, although I do like the way it works visually.  Actually, it’s because I see an entire narrative in this piece and it always comes back as soon as I see it, even after many years. (mais…)


No Funk Zone

by redtreetimes

I’m officially declaring this a No Funk Zone.

In the past, I’ve written here of a sort of letdown, a sort of glumness or funk that occurs in the aftermath of even highly successful shows.  It’s no stranger to me and I’ve talked to other artists who describe the same thing happening to them.  (mais…)



by redtreetimes

“Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity.”

——Viktor Frankl



Night of Wonder

I’m in the last few days of finishing my work for the show that opens next week, June 10, at the Principle Gallery in Alexandria. VA.  I’m sealing frames and wrapping the pieces for safe transport to the gallery later this week.  (mais…)



The Weak In Between

Well, the show for this year’s Principle Gallery show is delivered.  Everything went smoothly yesterday and I was home by late afternoon.  (mais…)


The Need for Solitude

The artist must actively cultivate
that state which most people avoid:
the state of being alone.
-James Baldwin (mais…)


Twyla Tharp and Choice

I was talking to a younger friend last night at an opening of an exhibition.  I have known this person since she was quite young and have always admired her native talent in many disciplines that she has chosen to follow over the years.  She has shown great ability in painting and drawing but also craves to create in video, music and dance.  She said she wants to paint but feels that she wants to equally do all these other things as well. (mais…)


A Monument to Adam

Mark Twain’s “Eve’s Diary” Title Page – by Lester Ralph

There is a slate of activities scheduled tonight at the historic Park Church in my hometown of Elmira to commemorate this city’s part in an episode that Mark Twain chronicled in a very short vignette called A Monument to Adam(mais…)


Knowing Darkness

“Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you.”—— John Ruskin

These words from Ruskin might have meaning in both a practical and a spiritual sense.  Simply put words of advice for the traveler: Move forward while the road ahead is visible. (mais…)


Valley Bountiful

I am calling this painting Valley Bountiful.  It’s a new 30″ by 30″ canvas that is a continuance of a recent group of work that focuses on the patterned fields and tree groupings that make up the foreground, all feeding to the central figure of the Red Tree.  (mais…)


The Work of Lorenzo Scott

I often like to periodically check out sites that deal in folk art and one of my favorites is Candler Arts, an Atlanta based site that has an online gallery and blog.  I generally find something new and interesting, most often the result of self-taught artists.  This piece for sale there recently caught my eye.  It’s a painting of God expelling Lucifer from Paradise by Lorenzo Scott, a self taught visionary painter from the Atlanta area.  I was intrigued by the composition and decided to look up more on Mr. Scott. (mais…)



When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities.



David Hume


Confidence is a big element in what I do and probably in the careers of most folks, regardless of their field.  Nobody buys from a salesman who doesn’t express supreme confidence in his product, nobody attends the sermons of a minister who isn’t cure that his beliefs are absolute and nobody wants their financial adviser to tell them that he’s not sure if they will make money with his investments.  (mais…)


Diego Rivera’s Paean to Labor and Industry

Yesterday, I wrote about the mural controversy in Maine where the work depicting the history of labor was removed from a state building.  It made me think of other murals and immediately brought to mind the work ofDiego Rivera,who I have written briefly about here before and who was arguably the greatest muralist of recent history.  Rivera’s work often focused on the struggle of the worker.  (mais…)


Maine Mural Controversy : Update


History of Labor in the State of Maine- Judy Taylor Studio

A week or two back I wrote here about the mural depicting the history of labor in the state Of Maine that hung in the Department of Labor building of that state.  At that point, Gov. Paul LePage (R) was threatening to remove the mural on the grounds that some anonymous business people had complained that it was too pro-labor and too anti-business, despite the fact that it hung in the Labor Department.  Since that time, Gov. LePage kept his word and had the mural removed over the following weekend. (mais…)